Automatic Servo Chuck Capping Machine
Brief Introduction:
This Automatic Chuck Capper sorts, places and torques caps. Caps are individually picked up by the mechanical swing arm and moved to the capping head. The container then moves under the capping station as the cap is accurately placed and torqued onto the bottle threads. This machine is intended for production speeds of 10-25 per minute.
Easily set torque Using 7
[1m(Jidō sābochakkukyappingumashin kantan'na shōkai: Kono jidō chakkukyappā wa, kyappu o bunrui, haichi, oyobi toruku o kakemasu. Kyappu wa kikai-shiki suinguāmu ni yotte kobetsu ni pikkuappu sa re, kyappinguheddo ni idō shimasu. Tsugini, kyappu ga botoru no sureddo ni seikaku ni haichi sa rete toruku ga kuwae rareru to, kontena wa kyappingusutēshon no shita o idō shimasu. Kono mashin wa, 1-bu-atari 10 〜 25 no seisan sokudo o taishō to shite imasu. 7 O shiyō shite kantan ni toruku o settei)[22m
Translations of [4mAutomatic Servo Chuck Capping Machine
Brief Introduction:
This Automatic Chuck Capper sorts, places and torques caps. Caps are individually picked up by the mechanical swing arm and moved to the capping head. The container then moves under the capping station as the cap is accurately placed and torqued onto the bottle threads. This machine is intended for production speeds of 10-25 per minute.
Easily set torque Using 7[24m
[ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1m日本語[22m ] | [4mAutomatic Servo Chuck Capping Machine[24m | |
1 | [1m自動サーボチャックキャッピングマシン[22m, [1m自動サーボチャックキャッピング機[22m | ≤[4m |
2 | [24m | [1m[22m |
3 | [4mBrief Introduction:[24m | [1m簡単な紹介:[22m, [1m概要:[22m |
4 | [4m | [24m |
5 | [1m[22m | [4mThis Automatic Chuck Capper sorts, places and torques caps.[24m |
6 | [1mこの自動チャックキャッパーは、キャップを分類、配置、およびトルクをかけます。[22m, [1mこの自動チャックキャッパーは、キャップを分類、配置、トルクします。[22m | [4mCaps are individually picked up by the mechanical swing arm and moved to the capping head.[24m |
7 | [1mキャップは機械式スイングアームによって個別にピックアップされ、キャッピングヘッドに移動します。[22m, [1mキャップは、メカニカルスイングアームによって個別にピックアップされ、キャッピングヘッドに移動されます。[22m | [4mThe container then moves under the capping station as the cap is accurately placed and torqued onto the bottle threads.[24m |