[1m(Mojurā suigen hītoponpuyunitto purofīru Purofairu: HStars" mojurā suigen hītoponpuyunitto wa, reizō oyobi danbō ni shiyō deki, 1-dai no mashin de okikaeru koto ga dekimasu. Kono shisutemu wa,-moto no boirā oyobi kūchō shisutemu o okikaeru koto ga dekimasu. Reikyaku nōryoku wa jūbun de, kōritsu wa takaku, seisō ya mentenansu ga kantande, enerugī kōritsu no hyōka wa 5 - 1 reberudesu. Burando: HStars)[22m
Translations of [4mModular Water Source Heat Pump Unit
Profile: HStars" modular water source heat pump unit can be used for refrigeration and heating, and can be replaced by one machine. The system can replace the original boiler and air conditioning system; the cooling capacity is sufficient, the efficiency is high, the cleaning and maintenance is easy, and the energy efficiency rating is 5-1. level.
Brand: HStars[24m
[ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1m日本語[22m ]